TN Ready Information

Here is the breakdown of the dates and testing times that we have. Please note that these dates and times are tentative, but if there is a change I will be sure to inform you as soon as I am made aware.

Week 1:

Monday 4/16: 
ELA Part 1 (includes writing) 
80 minutes  

Tuesday 4/17: 
ELA Part 2 
45 minutes
ELA Part 3
45 minutes

Wednesday 4/18: 
ELA Part 4 
52 minutes 

Thursday 4/19:
Social Studies
50 minutes
50 minutes

Friday 4/20:
TN Ready Testing Makeup Day

Week 2:

Monday 4/23:
Math Part 1
45 minutes

Tuesday 4/24:
Math Part 2
30 minutes
Math Part 3
40 minutes

Wednesday 4/25: 
TN Ready Testing Makeup Day

Additionally, please if at all possible have your child here on time (before the bell) especially on the testing days, that will help greatly with the administering of the tests.