TN Ready Information

Here is the breakdown of the dates and testing times that we have. Please note that these dates and times are tentative, but if there is a change I will be sure to inform you as soon as I am made aware.

Week 1:

Monday 4/16: 
ELA Part 1 (includes writing) 
80 minutes  

Tuesday 4/17: 
ELA Part 2 
45 minutes
ELA Part 3
45 minutes

Wednesday 4/18: 
ELA Part 4 
52 minutes 

Thursday 4/19:
Social Studies
50 minutes
50 minutes

Friday 4/20:
TN Ready Testing Makeup Day

Week 2:

Monday 4/23:
Math Part 1
45 minutes

Tuesday 4/24:
Math Part 2
30 minutes
Math Part 3
40 minutes

Wednesday 4/25: 
TN Ready Testing Makeup Day

Additionally, please if at all possible have your child here on time (before the bell) especially on the testing days, that will help greatly with the administering of the tests. 

TNReady Extra Credit


For extra practice in both ELA and Math, I have assigned extra credit objectives on Study Island. These assignments will help the students prepare for TNReady and earn extra credit points that will help boost their grades. Each assignment has instructions on how many extra credit points the student will earn if the assignment is completed within the correct time frame. The extra credit point values vary, due to the fact that the amount of objectives vary. (i.e. more work, more points) Since these are review assignments some of the objectives may have been completed, so if they already have an 80% or above, they do not have to redo that particular objective. 

As I discussed with the students when we went over this in class, they will get to choose which subject they would like to apply to extra credit in. It could be in ELA, Math, Science, or Social Studies, whichever subject area they want to apply the point value to. Additionally they could even choose to split it up into different subjects.

Also please note that this is extra credit, so it is completely optional. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns just let me know. 

Mrs. Sutton

Water Cycle Extra Credit Project

Water Cycle Extra Credit Project

We have been learning about the water cycle in Science the past few days and the students have shown a real interest on the topic. Since they are so interested, I thought it would be fun for them to create their very own water cycle. This will be counted as an extra credit grade; therefore, it is completely optional. Please keep in mind it will not count against your grade if you choose not to do it, but it will help improve your grade if you choose to do it. For the extra credit project the student will need to draw and illustrate a water cycle on a half sheet of poster board. The sky is the limit on what they want to include or what resources they want to use. All I ask is that it is on a ½ sheet of poster board, is colorful, is unique, and is clearly labeled. The stages (terms) that need to be labeled are evaporation, condensation, precipitation, runoff, transpiration, evaporation, and groundwater. There is an example in their textbook on pages 214-215, as well as countless examples/ideas on the internet. This is meant to be a fun learning experience not a stressful one. So have them take their time and do the very best they can do, that is all that I am asking! I cannot wait to see the turn out! 

Due Date: Tuesday, February 13th