TNReady Extra Credit


For extra practice in both ELA and Math, I have assigned extra credit objectives on Study Island. These assignments will help the students prepare for TNReady and earn extra credit points that will help boost their grades. Each assignment has instructions on how many extra credit points the student will earn if the assignment is completed within the correct time frame. The extra credit point values vary, due to the fact that the amount of objectives vary. (i.e. more work, more points) Since these are review assignments some of the objectives may have been completed, so if they already have an 80% or above, they do not have to redo that particular objective. 

As I discussed with the students when we went over this in class, they will get to choose which subject they would like to apply to extra credit in. It could be in ELA, Math, Science, or Social Studies, whichever subject area they want to apply the point value to. Additionally they could even choose to split it up into different subjects.

Also please note that this is extra credit, so it is completely optional. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns just let me know. 

Mrs. Sutton