Please join us for
Thanksgiving Lunch
Friday, November 10th
Adults: $6.60 and Children: $2.75
(Only students will be allowed to use cafeteria accounts for this occasion)
All Sumner County Employees $4.00
Cash and checks made payable to “Indian Lake Cafeteria” will be accepted.
We will not be able to accept credit or debit cards.
Do not send money to school.
Please note that we will be using a different lunch schedule that day!
Please look for the assigned table number with signs attached listing teacher names and assigned
times. Five tables will be in the cafeteria, and three tables will be in the gym. Thank you for
understanding that the large numbers make schedules fluctuate from time to time, but we want
everyone to enjoy this special day.
Mrs. Sutton's assigned table is Gym Table Number 8 and our lunch time is at 12:10!