TN Ready Information

Here is the breakdown of the dates and testing times that we have. Please note that these dates and times are tentative, but if there is a change I will be sure to inform you as soon as I am made aware.

Week 1:

Monday 4/16: 
ELA Part 1 (includes writing) 
80 minutes  

Tuesday 4/17: 
ELA Part 2 
45 minutes
ELA Part 3
45 minutes

Wednesday 4/18: 
ELA Part 4 
52 minutes 

Thursday 4/19:
Social Studies
50 minutes
50 minutes

Friday 4/20:
TN Ready Testing Makeup Day

Week 2:

Monday 4/23:
Math Part 1
45 minutes

Tuesday 4/24:
Math Part 2
30 minutes
Math Part 3
40 minutes

Wednesday 4/25: 
TN Ready Testing Makeup Day

Additionally, please if at all possible have your child here on time (before the bell) especially on the testing days, that will help greatly with the administering of the tests. 

TNReady Extra Credit


For extra practice in both ELA and Math, I have assigned extra credit objectives on Study Island. These assignments will help the students prepare for TNReady and earn extra credit points that will help boost their grades. Each assignment has instructions on how many extra credit points the student will earn if the assignment is completed within the correct time frame. The extra credit point values vary, due to the fact that the amount of objectives vary. (i.e. more work, more points) Since these are review assignments some of the objectives may have been completed, so if they already have an 80% or above, they do not have to redo that particular objective. 

As I discussed with the students when we went over this in class, they will get to choose which subject they would like to apply to extra credit in. It could be in ELA, Math, Science, or Social Studies, whichever subject area they want to apply the point value to. Additionally they could even choose to split it up into different subjects.

Also please note that this is extra credit, so it is completely optional. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns just let me know. 

Mrs. Sutton

Water Cycle Extra Credit Project

Water Cycle Extra Credit Project

We have been learning about the water cycle in Science the past few days and the students have shown a real interest on the topic. Since they are so interested, I thought it would be fun for them to create their very own water cycle. This will be counted as an extra credit grade; therefore, it is completely optional. Please keep in mind it will not count against your grade if you choose not to do it, but it will help improve your grade if you choose to do it. For the extra credit project the student will need to draw and illustrate a water cycle on a half sheet of poster board. The sky is the limit on what they want to include or what resources they want to use. All I ask is that it is on a ½ sheet of poster board, is colorful, is unique, and is clearly labeled. The stages (terms) that need to be labeled are evaporation, condensation, precipitation, runoff, transpiration, evaporation, and groundwater. There is an example in their textbook on pages 214-215, as well as countless examples/ideas on the internet. This is meant to be a fun learning experience not a stressful one. So have them take their time and do the very best they can do, that is all that I am asking! I cannot wait to see the turn out! 

Due Date: Tuesday, February 13th

Scip Orders

The follow is a message that teachers were asked to share with parents:

Hello parents!

I wanted to send a friendly reminder that our first round of Scrip orders will need to be turned in by this Tuesday, 11/14 at NOON. . . these gift cards will be delivered BEFORE Thanksgiving break!!!  (We will have one more order before Christmas).  You can either fill in the form that was sent home, make a list of items you want OR even go to and place an online order there.  You would need to create a username, password and then enter our group ID which is IndianLake.  It does remove 3% fee from ILE's profits if you order using a credit card, but it also gives you an alternate option to place your order and then send the check in to ILE PTO (paying by check or cash costs us nothing).  If you choose this option, please send check in to school on Tuesday morning. 

This is such a simple way to support your school . . . and get the gift cards that you plan to buy anyway!  Contact me with any questions.  I will contact you when the cards are ready for pickup.

Christy Koster

Thanksgiving Lunch

Please join us for Thanksgiving Lunch Friday, November 10th

Adults: $6.60 and Children: $2.75
(Only students will be allowed to use cafeteria accounts for this occasion)

All Sumner County Employees $4.00

Cash and checks made payable to “Indian Lake Cafeteria” will be accepted. We will not be able to accept credit or debit cards. Do not send money to school. Please note that we will be using a different lunch schedule that day!

Please look for the assigned table number with signs attached listing teacher names and assigned times. Five tables will be in the cafeteria, and three tables will be in the gym. Thank you for understanding that the large numbers make schedules fluctuate from time to time, but we want everyone to enjoy this special day.

Mrs. Sutton's assigned table is Gym Table Number 8 and our lunch time is at 12:10!

United Way Letter

We love that our families are always looking for ways to give back to our community and give their children a chance to participate.  One opportunity to do just that is coming up the week of October 30! 

We will kick off our United Way Campaign on Wednesday, November 1.  United Way has partnered with many agencies throughout Sumner County to meet the needs of its people.  Some of these agencies include:

·         Education-Community Child Care Services, Sumner County Adult Education Advisory Council, Sumner County 4-H, Kids on the Block

·         Income/Financial Stability-Grace Place, Hendersonville Samaritan Association, Youth CAN

·         Health-Alzheimer’s and Aging Services, Gallatin Senior Citizens Center, Nurses for Newborns, Senior Citizens of Hendersonville.

·         Rebuilding Lives- Ashley’s Place, HomeSafe, Student Assistance Program, Sumner County CASA,

We will be selling a Mega Pass for students to participate in dress up days beginning November 1-November 8.  Purchasing the pass will allow the student to wear hats, PJ’s, Wacky Tacky(mismatched), crazy socks, or bring a stuffed animal to school each day.  The cost of the pass will be $10 and passes will go on sale Monday, October 30.  Students may purchase the Mega pass from their teacher. The class with the highest percentage of participation will win a PIZZA PARTY and EXTRA RECESS! Dress up day’s will begin on Wednesday, Nov. 1. 

As always, we appreciate your dedication and commitment to our community!

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please complete and return to your child’s teacher.

Student Name________________________________________



Explorer Extra Credit Project

Just in case the informational sheet that was sent home on Monday did not make it here is an additional copy! If your child forgot which explorer they got just let me know, because I have a master list. 

Explorer Report & Poster Extra Credit Opportunity

Due Date: November 7, 2017 

Assignment: You are to do a ONE page report on _______________________________. 

In your report, include details like:
Where are they originally from?
What did they explore and discover on their exploration?
Were they sent by someone else to discover something?
What was their journey like? If it was difficult, what made it difficult?
Did they have any help?
What was the end result of their discovery?
These are just a FEW things you can include in your report.   You will be presenting this report to your classroom.  Tell us things that are interesting, because it is! J  Please write this as neatly as possible or you may type it.  DO NOT COPY STRAIGHT FROM A SOURCE (BOOK, INTERNET, ETC.)  Please use your own words.

On your poster, include:
Your written report attached to the back of your poster.
The name of your explorer displayed clearly at the top of your poster.
A picture of your explorer.
A map with the route of your explorer clearly displayed.
These will be displayed in the hall- so make them look good!

EXTRA EXTRA CREDIT:  If you dress up like your explorer while you give your presentation, you will receive extra credit points on your Social Studies grade. Be creative- look around your house and your parents’ closets (with their permission) for things to use as a costume.

Please rehearse reciting your report, pronouncing names, etc.  BEFORE the presentation date, because you will lose points if you are not prepared!